The Best Advice From successful Marketing Experts...

The Best Advice From Successful Marketing Experts

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Hi All, So What is The Best Advice From Successful Marketing Experts?  Greetings, today I have another guest post to share from my new contact Marianna Goodwin.  If you didn’t get the chance to read she is the one who recently sent me another guest post to publish – The Best Online Tools For Branding A New Business.  {Read This Here]

This probably won’t be the last one either but anyway this article is by one of Marianna’s writers Felipe Riley.  It’s only a short post but if you are looking for advice to build and maintain your success from your current activities this might help.  It isn’t the most comprehensive guide that you might find online,  but let’s dive in to find out a bit more.  

Here is today’s Advice From Successful Marketing Experts…

Advice From Successful Marketing Experts

Guest Post By Felipe Riley

For the uninitiated, marketing can sometimes seem scary and overwhelming.   You may have experienced this feeling yourself.  It could even be something you have recently come across or that may occur in the near future.  

However, I would say fear not.  The truth is that marketing is a field that’s based on a range of age-old techniques and principles that always have and always will still work. 

Fundamental basics that you can apply for a wide range of activities for very similar results.

So, when you take the time to learn these principles, marketing is not nearly as complicated or overwhelming as it may first of all might seem.  Indeed, one great way to learn about the best and most effective strategies is to look to the experts.

This way the next time you’re developing your own online marketing strategy you can follow their methods.  Ideas that have worked before but with your very own spin.  Many will actually be quite happy to help as well so if you have the courage to reach out to them even better.  It certainly beats going in all on your own with no idea what to do next.   

This is probably one of today’s main lessons but as you begin to develop more this is also key… 

Building Trust With Your Customers

Building trust with your customers

No matter what you’re selling, if your potential customers don’t feel like they can trust you, you’ll be hard-pressed to make that next sale.   Think about it – would you want to hand your money over to someone you don’t feel like you can trust?

I know I wouldn’t.

Possibly why experts believe that building trust is one of the most integral aspects of any successful marketing strategy. 

But you shouldn’t only work towards building trust with your prospective customers.  It’s also a good idea to focus on building trust between your brands and influencers that you may collaborate with in the future.

In turn, working with influencers is a great way to build trust with your target audience quickly.   As you start to build more business relationships such as this treat each one like a professional.  You never know where it might lead.  

This you can be sure is definitely Advice Successful Marketing Experts would give you.   As is…

Target Your Content

Target your Content

Another critical aspect of any successful marketing strategy is carefully crafting your content and brand message to those who are most likely to see it and resonate with it. 

For instance, if your business sells shoes, creating content about the best sweater manufacturers on the market isn’t going to help you much. 

On the other hand, if you craft various content topics and formats related to shoes, the different types of shoes, shoes for men, shoes for women, kids shoes, etc., your content will be considerably more likely to be seen by your target audience. 

Although, let’s not forget what is also important.  We must…

Focus On Value

Focus On Value

Simply reiterating facts or saying the same thing that’s been said a thousand times before doesn’t provide your audience with any value.   In this respect, you definitely need to go the extra mile.

And even if they did find some value in what you’re saying, why should they trust you if the information isn’t unique? 

Instead, it’s a better idea to focus on providing your target audience with value

This is most often done by answering their questions or providing them with information, education, or insight on topics they’re already interested in.  These are all important to remember.

But YOU must;

Be Your Authentic Self

Be yourself

Whether you’re promoting a small, local business or a major multinational corporation, not a single one of your audience members wants to deal with a company that comes off as cold, rigid, or robotic. 

That’s why it’s best to be authentic when marketing your business or communicating with your current or prospective customers.  Here is why you must be yourself.

If you’re friendly and genuine, that authenticity will come through in your marketing efforts.  Thus, making your audience more likely to connect and build a meaningful, trusting relationship with you. 

Think about it this way; if you’re warm, friendly, and approachable, and you hand somebody a business card, they’ll be more likely to remember the interaction simply because dealing with you was a positive experience. 

You can use BusinessCards to design printable business cards to spread the word about your business. 

This is because…

The Data Doesn’t Lie

The data doesn't lie

It’s great to have plans and ideas on what type of content you’ll publish to your blog or on your social accounts. 

However, it’s a much more intelligent idea to sift through your business and industry data first! 

By taking advantage of the data available from sites like Google or the insights and analytics you can access on social media, you’ll be able to make marketing decisions that are more likely to succeed than if you were simply taking a shot in the dark.   See my review for one such tool I recently reviewed [HERE]

The Best Advice From The Best!

the best advice from successful marketing experts

As the old saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat, and this is true even when it comes to marketing! 

In other words, depending on your business goals, the products or services you sell, and even your target audience, you’ll need to customize your strategy to find what works best for you and your ideal customers.

Once you do this everything will start fitting into place and you start to see more success happen as a result.

In Conclusion

What is the Best Advice From Successful Marketing Experts?  From my experience when creating content you have to make it yours.  Be unique but not only this you also must provide real value.  It isn’t just about pitching products as an affiliate you have to sell your information for peoples time as well.   

You must build trust with your readers/viewers and of course produce high-quality content.

Any Successful Marketing Experts will tell you pretty much the same things.  The formula is simple enough but it is also one you must perfect over time.  When you do though you can expect some very exciting times ahead.

About The Author

Felipe Riley was born in Mexico and raised in Canada. He studied web and graphic design. He began his career as a freelance writer by consuming books about mysteries. When he’s not writing, he journals at his favourite coffee shop.

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Thank you for reading today’s post The Best Advice From Successful Marketing Experts.  If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with the topics discussed in this post, please leave us a comment below.

Also if you know anyone that might benefit from reading this information please share this. 

Best regards;

From Your Friend

Alex B. Chivers

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